Transforming Florida University Lab Spaces with Chemical Resistant Flooring Solutions


Florida University Lab operates in a demanding environment where maintaining safety, cleanliness, and operational efficiency matters. With this intention, the client had undergone a floor renovation. However, the flooring installation failed to meet the laboratory’s requirements and priorities. That’s when Sealwell stepped in to transform their lab floors, turning them into a highly functional and inviting space. 

Our client’s requirements –

  • Chemical-resistant surface
  • Endure heavy equipment impacts
  • Easy to maintain
  • Highly durable


When we got involved in this project, the flooring condition of the facility was worse. The installed surface was peeling off due to chemical exposure, creating safety hazards and an unprofessional appearance. However, that wasn’t our only concern! 

Our primary challenge was to repair and reinstall an appropriate flooring system efficiently within the dedicated time frame. Since the facility remains operational during the renovation process, we had to perform the job without causing any disruption to daily operations. Meeting these time constraints while delivering a high-quality flooring solution required meticulous planning and execution by Sealwell.

Our Objectives:

Considering the top challenges, our experienced and certified flooring contractors set clear goals and objectives to satisfy the client. 

  • Repair the damage and fix the flooring issue
  • Ensure long-term durability 
  • Enhance safety and cleanliness
  • Minimize disruption to ongoing operations during installation


Our team conducted a thorough inspection and assessment of the lab surface and accordingly prepared a routine task. It was imperative to tailor a chemically resistant flooring treatment that perfectly suited the space.

  • Since the existing floor was damaged, our first step was to remove the deteriorated surface completely.
  • Once it was done, we made sure the subfloor was leveled.
  • We used advanced techniques like shot blasting and grinding to prepare the surface for effective installation.
  • Our team ensured the surface was clean and free from dust and debris before applying the floor coating.


With our comprehensive flooring services, we ended up generating impressive results. 

  • Highly durable floor to withstand daily chemical exposure and heavy equipment use
  • Create a non-porous surface that is easy to clean and maintain
  • Aesthetically appealing surface to create an inviting ambiance

Client Feedback:

Our dedicated efforts in generating immediate visible results impressed the client a lot. He mentioned, “Sealwell’s flooring installation team has done a great job. The overall outcome has exceeded our expectations. We are pleased with their efforts and dedication and would like to recommend them to those looking for industrial flooring contractors.”  


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