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Shot Blasting or Grinding – Which is Better for Concrete Surface Preparation?

Every business wants to improve its flooring condition to ensure high durability, functionality, and appearance. But do you know several factors are responsible for this? One among them is preparing the concrete surface before the floor coating.

Proper preparation of the concrete substrate is crucial for the success of any coating application. Whether it is an epoxy coating or concrete polishing, it is pivotal to invest time and effort in this so that the coating adheres well, lasts longer, and provides a layer of protection. 

Essential Steps Required for Concrete Surface Preparation

Take a look at the following steps that help in installing a perfect floor for the industrial or commercial setting. 

  1. Assessing the condition of the surface
  2. Cleaning the surface thoroughly to eliminate dust, dirt, and debris.
  3. Repair existing cracks and holes
  4. Check for the moisture, pH value, and fatty acids.

Concrete Surface Preparation Methods – Shot Blasting & Grinding

Evidently, two popular methods for surface preparation help achieve a clean, smooth, and durable finish – Shot Blasting and Grinding. Each method has its own set of advantages. Let’s dig deep to understand the differences. 

Shot Blasting

Shot blasting is a surface treatment technique that involves propelling round metals like steel shots at high velocity onto the surface using a specialized machine. This significant impact removes dust, debris, rust, and other contaminants from the substrate, making it ideal for preparing large spaces.

Advantages of using shot blasting

  1. Surface profiling: Floor coating works well when the surface is hard and rough. Shot blasting creates such a textured surface that significantly improves the bond between the concrete substrate and the coating applied. Especially, if you are applying epoxy or polyurethane, this strong adhesion is mandatory. 
  2. Dust-free operation: Modern shot blasting machines use built-in vacuum systems to capture dust and debris easily and effectively. It helps in extensive cleaning and even enhances worker safety and air quality.  
  3. Deep cleaning: Shot blasting works beyond capturing dust and dirt. It effectively removes other harmful substances such as grease, oil, and paint. With intense removal of contaminants, the method leaves the surface in the best condition for external coatings. 
  4. Environmentally friendly: Shot blasting is an environmentally friendly process. Several reasons support this statement. First, the steel shots used in the process can be cleaned and reused. Second, the process requires no harmful chemicals. Third, it is usually a dry process, which means there is no need for water usage. 

Drawbacks of shot blasting

  1. Surface damage: Shot blasting can cause damage to the concrete surface if not performed correctly. For example, micro-cracking and excessive roughness.
  2. Limited flexibility: The process is less effective on uneven surfaces or areas closer to walls. In this case, edge grinding is required to complete this process.


Concrete grinding involves diamond-tipped discs or stones spinning across the concrete surface. The method removes imperfections, paint, or adhesives from the top layer of the surface and creates an even, textured surface. 

Advantages of using the concrete grinding method

  1. Smooth finish: The specialty of the grinding method is that it offers a smooth finish, ideal for floors that require a polished look. In commercial settings where appearance matters a lot, grinding can be the best method for surface preparation.
  2. Fix uneven surfaces: Concrete grinding can effectively level large uneven surfaces. Though it is a slow process, it is the best way to ensure a flat and uniform floor finish that is aesthetically pleasing.
  3. Dust control: Like shot blasting, modern grinding machines are equipped with efficient dust collection systems. They efficiently capture dust and dirt without harming the environment. 
  4. Versatility: The grinding process is highly adaptable. It means you can use this method on different surfaces including walls, floors, and ceilings. It even works great for small areas without special electrical hookups like a shot blaster.

Disadvantages of grinding

  1. Slow process: Concrete grinding is a slow process, especially when you use it for larger spaces.
  2. Limited to lower profiling: The process has limited capability to provide the same level of surface profiling as shot blasting.

The Bottom Line

Indeed, both shot blasting and grinding methods are beneficial for concrete surface preparation. They offer compelling benefits and can address specific challenges, eventually contributing to a safe and effective flooring installation.  

So, are you ready for concrete resurfacing? All you should do is look for a reliable and professional concrete flooring contractor

Sealwell performs a series of steps prior to flooring installation. From thorough surface preparation to floor maintenance, our team assists clients in all aspects to deliver the best result. You can reach us to meet all your flooring needs. 


Phone No– +1-844-443-2844


Address- 424 E Central Blvd., Suite 264, Orlando, FL 32801, United States