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Why Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete is a Game-Changer for Industrial Flooring?

concrete flooring

Industrial floors are usually exposed to heavy foot traffic, stacked loads, heavy tanks, and constant heavy equipment movement. 

Have you ever wondered how some industrial floors last longer and perform better even in these extreme conditions? 

A survey report says industrial settings typically install a concrete-grade slab with reinforcement in the upper one-third layer to manage these loads and prevent damage. However, this method fails to work effectively through the slab. That’s when they prefer steel fiber concrete reinforcement for industrial flooring.

What is Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete?

Steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) is a composite material prepared to transform industrial floors. The components used in this mixture are hydraulic cement, fine or coarse aggregates, and steel fibers. These steel fibers appear in small and discrete lengths of steel, randomly distributed and uniformly dispersed in the concrete mixture. 

Applying this mixture at the bottom of the slab can enhance floor structural properties, withstanding cracks and loads in various stress conditions. 

Benefits of Steel Fiber Concrete Reinforcement on an Industrial Floor

The following are the compelling reasons why industrial environments require this reinforcement. 

Better Crack Control: One of the significant reasons industries prefer installing SFRC is its ability to control cracking. In old-school concrete flooring techniques, the surface often experiences cracks, which eventually, affect the structural integrity. By introducing steel fibers, you can hide these cracks and make the floor stronger to prevent further damage or widening.  

Enhance Flexural Strength: Cracks, even after a repair, can reduce the floor strength to a great extent. However, it would not be the case if you mix steel fibers into the floor coating mixture. It improves the post-crack flexural strength of the surface and its load-bearing capacity. In other words, the fiber reinforced concrete maintains floor aesthetics and functional quality, extending the lifespan of the floors. 

High Impact Resistance: Impacts are common on industrial floors. These can be due to the constant movement of heavy machinery, vehicles, and dropped tools. The reinforcement mechanism with steel fibers enhances the floor’s ability to resist these impacts. In this process, the mixture absorbs and distributes the energy from impacts more effectively than any standard concrete. It ensures that the floor requires fewer repairs and minimal maintenance. 

Greater Durability: SFRC distributes loads more evenly than standard concrete flooring. As a result, it reduces the chances of cracks and fractures, improving the surface durability and strength. It is one of the reasons businesses find this an ideal choice for their industrial space. 

Improve Joint Performance: Due to the uniform distribution of steel fibers, you won’t witness cracks in the concrete surface. These fibers reduce the risk of joint failure and simultaneously, increase the floor’s capability to withstand heavy loads and frequent traffic.

Streamline Construction Process: Reinforced concrete does possess exceptional properties and characteristics. But apart from this, the simplified construction process is another compelling reason that makes SFRC an ideal choice. This conventional reinforcement process eliminates the need for welded wire fabric and, in turn, reduces the complexity involved during construction. 

Final Takeaway

To conclude, steel fiber reinforced concrete flooring offers excellent durability and resistance to moments, energy absorption, and impact. However, its effectiveness depends upon the fiber type, the fiber content, and the length-to-diameter ratio. 

So, would you like to reconstruct your industrial floors using this reinforcement method? You can reach out to Sealwell, a leading industrial flooring contractor, that specializes in installing high-performing floors safely and effectively. Contact now.



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